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Version: V1

Connect with iOS SDK

The CyberConnect SDK provides two primary functions, connect and disconnect, which in social graphs are follow and unfollow.

The library encapsulates the complex authentication logic (authenticate to Ceramic Network) into easy-to-use functions. Find here an example repo.


The Swift Package Manager is a tool integrated into the swift compiler for developers to automate the distribution of Swift code. Once you have your Swift package set up, add CyberConnect as a dependency:

dependencies: [
.package(url: "<>", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.12"))

Basic Usage

Init CyberConnect

let cyberConnectInstance = CyberConnect(address: YOURWALLETADDRESS)


Get authentication from CyberConnect before building your own social functionalities:

cyberConnectInstance.registerKey(signature: YOURSIGNATURE, network: YOURNETWORKTYPE) { data in
let dataString = String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self) "Signature", message: dataString, preferredStyle: .alert))
  • signature - signature of a particular message. You can sign the message with your wallet:
let publicKeyPem = cyberconnect.retriveCyberConnectSignKey(address: YOUADDRESS).publicKey.pemRepresentation.pemRepresentationContent()
let message = cyberconnect.getAuthorizeString(localPublicKeyPem: youPublicKeyPem)
  • network - enum type for network. Now we support Ethereum and Solana.


cyberConnectInstance.connect(toAddress: SOMEONESADDRESS, alias: ALIAS, network: NETWORK) { data in
let dataString = String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self) "Connect", message: dataString, preferredStyle: .alert))
  • toAddress - target address to be connected.
  • alias - (optional) alias for the target address.
  • network - (optional) enum type for network. Now we support Ethereum and Solana.
  • connectionType - (optional) type of connection. The default value is Connection.FOLLOW. See ConnectionType struct in code for more details.


cyberConnectInstance.disconnect(toAddress: TAEGETADDERSS, alias: ALIAS, network: NETWOEKTYPE) { data in
  • toAddress - target address to be disconnected.
  • alias - (optional) alias for the target address.
  • network - (optional) enum type for network. Now we support Ethereum and Solana.


cyberConnectInstance.getBatchConnections(toAddresses: ADDRESSARRAY) { data in
  • toAddresses - a list of target addresses to be connected.


cyberConnectInstance.alias(toAddress: TARGETADDRESS, alias: ALIAS, network: NETWORKTYPE) { data in
  • toAddress - target address to be connected.
  • alias - alias for the target address.
  • network - (optional) enum type for network. Now we support Ethereum and Solana.
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