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Version: V1

Verify a Twitter Account


Install the CyberConnect Social Verifier before starting this section.

In this section, we'll walk through how you can help users establish their credentials by verifying their social media accounts. We use Twitter as an example.

Before you start, make sure that the user's crypto wallet is connected to your application (follow instructions in Connect with User Wallet.

Create a Twitter Verification Button

In this tutorial, we'll help you implement a simple button that user can click on and verify their Twitter account.

  1. Import the method twitterAuthorize into your application from the CyberConnect Social Verifier package.
import { twitterAuthorize } from "@cyberlab/social-verifier";
  1. After clicking, the function handleOnClick in the component VerifyButton gets the user's wallet address, generates a signature and a message for user to post on their Twitter for verification, and opens up a new tab so that user can post the tweet:
const handleOnClick = async () => {
// Get the MetaMask wallet address
const accounts = await window.ethereum.request({
method: "eth_requestAccounts",

// Prompt to enter the Twitter handle
const handle = prompt("Enter your Twitter handle:");

// Check clause for handle
if (!handle) return;

// Update the state for handle

// Generate the signature
const sig = await twitterAuthorize(window.ethereum, accounts[0], handle);

// The message that the user posts on Twitter
const message = `Verifying my Web3 identity on @cyberconnecthq: %23LetsCyberConnect %0A ${sig}`;

// Open new window so that the user can post on Twitter`${message}`, "_blank");

In the Sandbox the new window popping up might get blocked by the Twitter API. If this is the case, copy the URL and paste it in a new tab.

  1. Finish up our code by assigning the function handleOnClick to the handler onClick on the button:
<button className="tweetButton" onClick={handleOnClick}>
Tweet message

Verify the Twitter Account

Next, we move on to complete the verification procedure.

  1. Import the method twitterVerify from the CyberConnect Social Verifier package:
import { twitterVerify } from "@cyberlab/social-verifier";
  1. We'll help you implement another button that user can click on and complete the verification of their Twitter account. After clicking, the function handleOnClick in the component VerifyButton gets the user's wallet address, prompts user to enter their Twitter handle, and verifies their Twitter account:
const handleOnClick = async () => {
// Get the MetaMask wallet address
const accounts = await window.ethereum.request({
method: "eth_requestAccounts",

// Check clause for handle
if (!handle) return;

// Verify the Twitter account
try {
await twitterVerify(accounts[0], handle);
alert(`Success: you've verified ${handle}!`);
} catch (error) {
  1. Finish up our code by assigning the function handleOnClick to the handler onClick on the button:
<button className="verifyButton" onClick={handleOnClick}>
Verify Twitter

That's it! You've implemented a simple social verifier in your application. For more advanced features, learn more about the CyberConnect Social Verifier.


Check out the entire code from the tutorial and play around with it in the sandbox below!

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