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Version: V1


CyberConnect provides namespace as an attribute for each connection, to identify the source of the connection. You can set only one namespace value for each connection and then filter it with the specified namespace.

When writing a new connection, a customized namespace is recommended. We suggest you use a string that can serve as your unique id, such as the name of your application, organization, or platform. If no namespace or an empty value of namespace is given, the connection will be added to the default namespace: CyberConnect.

When querying the follower, following, friend list, or the numbers of them, the results can be filtered by namepsace, as an optional parameter. If no namespace or an empty value of namespace is given, connections in all namespaces will be returned.

Let's take the scenario in the following picture as an example.

Alice has three followers in total: one in CyberConnect, one in CyberChat, and one in Project Galaxy.

  • If we try to write a new connection without specifying the namespace, the connection will be put into CyberConnect namespace.
  • If we query the follower list of Alice with CyberChat as the namespace parameter, we will get one connection (the orange arrow).
  • If we query the follower list of Alice without a namespace parameter or set it as an empty string, we will get three connections.


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