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Version: V2


The CreateRegisterEssenceTypedDataInput input type specifies the params required to register an essence.

input CreateRegisterEssenceTypedDataInput {
options: RegisterEssenceTypedDataOptions!
profileID: Int!
name: String!
symbol: String!
tokenURI: URL!
middleware: EssenceMiddleware!
transferable: Boolean!


options (RegisterEssenceTypedDataOptions)

options the options to register an essence.

profileID (Int)

profileID the id of the profile that is registering the essence.

name (String)

name the name of the essence.

symbol (String)

symbol the symbol of the essence.

tokenURI (URL)

tokenURI the token URI of the essence NFT.

middleware (EssenceMiddleware)

middleware the essence middleware to set.

transferable (Boolean)

transferable whether the essence is transferable.

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