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Version: V2


The Essence type provides information about an essence.

type Essence implements Node {
id: ID!
essenceID: Int!
name: String!
symbol: String!
tokenURI: URL!
collectMw: MiddlewareInfo!
after: Cursor
first: Int
before: Cursor
last: Int
orderBy: CollectOrder
): CollectConnection!
createdBy: Profile!


id (ID)

id the unique identifier of the essence.

essenceID (Int)

essenceID the essence token id.

name (String)

name the name of the essence.

symbol (String)

symbol the symbol of the essence.

tokenURI (URL)

tokenURI the token URI of the essence.

collectMw (MiddlewareInfo)

collectMw information about the essence's collect middleware.

collectedBy (CollectConnection)

collectedBy provides a paginated list of profiles that have collected this essence.

after the cursor to retreive results after.

first the maximum number of profiles to return after a cursor.

before the cursor to retreive results before.

last the maximum number of profiles to return before a cursor.

orderBy the order in which results are returned.

createdBy (Profile)

createdBy information about the profile that created this essence.



The Node interface follows spec.

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