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Version: V2


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type Wallet implements Node {
id: ID!
address: AddressEVM!
chainID: ChainID!
primaryProfile: Profile
after: Cursor
first: Int
before: Cursor
last: Int
orderBy: ProfileOrder
): ProfileConnection!
after: Cursor
first: Int
before: Cursor
last: Int
orderBy: SubscribeOrder
): SubscribeConnection!
after: Cursor
first: Int
before: Cursor
last: Int
orderBy: CollectOrder
): CollectConnection!
subscribingCount: Int!
offset: Int
limit: Int
): [ERCTransferCard!]
recommendation: Recommendation!
metadata: WalletMetadata!


id (ID)

id the wallet's unique identifier.

address (AddressEVM)

address the wallet's address.

chainID (ChainID)

chainID the chain id of the network.

primaryProfile (Profile)

primaryProfile provides information about the primary profile of a wallet.

profiles (ProfileConnection)

profiles provides a paginated list of a specified wallet's profiles.

after the cursor to retreive results after.

first the maximum number of profiles to return after a cursor.

before the cursor to retreive results before.

last the maximum number of profiles to return before a cursor.

orderBy the order in which results are returned.

subscribings (SubscribeConnection)

subscribings provides a paginated list of a specified wallet's subscribings.

after the cursor to retreive results after.

first the maximum number of subscribings to return after a cursor.

before the cursor to retreive results before.

last the maximum number of subscribings to return before a cursor.

orderBy the order in which results are returned.

collectedEssences (CollectConnection)

collectedEssences provides a paginated list of a specified wallet's collected essences.

after the cursor to retreive results after.

first the maximum number of collected essences to return after a cursor.

before the cursor to retreive results before.

last the maximum number of collected essences to return before a cursor.

orderBy the order in which results are returned.

subscribingCount (Int)

subscribingCount the number of subscribings.

feed (ERCTransferCard)

recommendation (Recommendation)

metadata (WalletMetadata)



The Node interface follows spec.

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