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Version: V2


The Profile type provides information about a profile.

type Profile implements Node {
id: ID!
profileID: Int!
handle: String!
owner: Wallet!
metadata: URL
metadataInfo: MetadataDetail
avatar: URL
mintingBlock: Int!
isPrimary: Boolean!
operators: [AddressEVM!]!
after: Cursor
first: Int
before: Cursor
last: Int
orderBy: EssenceOrder
): EssenceConnection!
after: Cursor
first: Int
before: Cursor
last: Int
orderBy: SubscribeOrder
): SubscribeConnection!
subscribeNFT: ContractAddressEVM
subscribeMw: MiddlewareInfo
namespace: Namespace!
subscriberCount: Int!


id (ID)

id the profile's unique identifier.

profileID (Int)

profileID the profile's token id.

handle (String)

handle the profile's handle.

owner (Wallet)

owner the profile's owner wallet.

metadata (URL)

metadata the profile's metadata url.

metadataInfo (MetadataDetail)

metadataInfo information about the profile's metadata.

avatar (URL)

avatar the profile's avatar url.

mintingBlock (Int)

mintingBlock the block number when the profile was minted.

isPrimary (Boolean)

isPrimary whether the profile is the primary profile of the owner.

operators (AddressEVM)

operators the profile's list of operator addresses

essences (EssenceConnection)

essences provides a paginated list of ordered essences.

after the cursor to retreive results after.

first the maximum number of essences to return after a cursor.

before the cursor to retreive results before.

last the maximum number of essences to return before a cursor.

orderBy the order in which results are returned.

subscribers (SubscribeConnection)

subscribers provides a paginated list of ordered subscribers.

after the cursor to retreive results after.

first the maximum number of subscribers to return after a cursor.

before the cursor to retreive results before.

last the maximum number of subscribers to return before a cursor.

orderBy the order in which results are returned.

subscribeNFT (ContractAddressEVM)

subscribeNFT the profile's subscribe NFT contract address.

subscribeMw (MiddlewareInfo)

subscribeMw information about the profile's subscribe middleware.

namespace (Namespace)

namespace information about the profile's namespace.

subscriberCount (Int)

subscriberCount the number of subscribers.



The Node interface follows spec.

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