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Version: V2


The Recommendation type is the base for finding all information that might be interesting/attractive to a given address based on historical transaction history & current balance.

type Recommendation {
offset: Int
limit: Int
): [TokenInfo!]
offset: Int
limit: Int
): [TokenRecommendation!]
offset: Int
limit: Int
): [UserRecommendation!]


tokenBalanceInfo (TokenInfo)

tokenBalanceInfo provides information on the tokens the input wallet holds in its balance.

tokenRecommendation (TokenRecommendation)

tokenRecommendation are recommended Tokens the address should purchase based on modeling trading behavior & holdings relative to other addresses (i.e. collaborative filtering model).

userRecommendation (UserRecommendation)

userRecommendation are recommended addresses to follow based on the finding other addresses with similar NFT trading history as the input addresses.

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